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I know there is something evil crouched up in the May tree
Lying wide-awake in bed I can feel its eyes on me
Peering in through the blinds out in the cold night purple-lit
The wind is telling me that it’s there but I cannot see it

I can never see it but I know that it can see me
And I have spent many a long night peering at that tree
Imagine then my horror on the night the May tree split
And in the morning cold we could see daylight straight through it

I’ve heard the mages say that a virus is a demon
And is borne more within the mind than within the semen
Or within the glands or cells of some internal region
And he will come to you when your thought and deed aren’t legion

So it is with pit fiends that come we think without a call
But there are more ways to summon and more ways to enthrall
That occur when we fail to think than when we cast our spells
For it’s an easy sliding slope that glides us into hell

And I’ve awoke to sucubi creeping at where I have lain
And I have struggled for hours within the grips of Pain
And while I’ve put my faith in powders and in magic pills
I know my greatest strength of all’s my purity of will

And while my will’s my greatest strength it’s not without defect
For what it fails to master stays hidden like a secret
But that it can encompass divides grays to black and white
And there I’ve battled demons back through many a cold night

When sometimes though the soupy grays are bound into the murk
And it’s my will that’s divided and close the demons lurk
Then I lie wide-awake and peer into the purple night
And listen to the restless wind and wait for morning’s light

For I know there’s something evil crouched up in the May tree
Lying wide-awake in bed I can feel its eyes on me
Peering in through the blinds out in the cold night purple-lit
The wind’s telling me that its there but I cannot see it

I can never see it but I know that it can see me
And I have spent many a long night peering at that tree
Imagine then my horror on the night the May tree split
And in the morning cold we could see daylight straight through it!

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